Option 1: Email invitation
Step 1: Review and accept invitation
If you received an email from your healthcare professional inviting you to set up a LibreView Account, click Accept Invitation.
Step 2: Login or Get Started
There will be two options to choose from, Log In and Get Started. If you already have an existing LibreView Account, enter your login credentials.
If you are creating a new LibreView Account for the first time, select Get Started and you will be prompted to register for an account. Once you are logged in and accept your healthcare professional's invite by clicking on Accept, your glucose data will automatically be shared with your healthcare professional each time you upload a device or each time you scan your FreeStyle sensor with a compatible mobile app.
Learn More: Create a LibreView Account.
Option 2: Using Practice ID
Step 1: Open the Setting Menu
Click the three blue lines to open the Settings Menu.
Step 2: Click Account Settings
Step 3: Click My Practices
Click on the My Practices section.
Step 4: Link to a practice
Enter the Practice ID in the field provided and click the Add button. You should now see your healthcare practice or clinic name appear in your Linked Practices list. This means you have successfully linked accounts and your healthcare professional now has access to all your glucose data.
Note: You can link your account to multiple Practices. You can also remove a Practice at any time by clicking the red Remove link.
Learn More: Remove Connected Practice.
Option 3: Using a compatible mobile app
Step 1: Open your compatible mobile app
Click the three lines to open the Settings Menu.
Step 2: Select Connected Apps from the Menu
In the LibreView section, click 'Connect' to view your Pending Sharing Invitations and select the name of your HCP's Practice.
Step 3: Accept or Reject the Sharing Invitation
Click either the Accept or Reject buttons at the bottom of the screen. If you accept the invitation, you will be sharing your glucose data with your HCP and receive a confirmation email of the connection.
*Some devices and mobile apps may not be available in your country / region. Refer to the Compatible Devices article for a list of supported devices.
*Connected Apps functionality may not be available in all compatible mobile apps