Remove a Device


When you upload a device into your LibreView Account, it is automatically linked to your account. If you stop using that device and no longer want it associated with your account, you can remove that device.

Step 1: Open the Setting Menu

Click the three blue lines to open the Settings Menu.

Step 2: Click Account Settings
Step 3: Click My Devices

Select the My Devices section. This section will show a list of all the devices that are currently connected to your account.

Step 4: Remove Device

Click the Remove link next to the device you would like to be removed. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to remove the device before the device is officially removed.

Note: All data from this device will be removed from your LibreView Account. Once removed, LibreView has no way of recovering the data. This action cannot be undone, however, you can always add this device again by re-uploading to LibreView in the future.

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